
Latest News

Docusign user accounts will be changed from NinerNet@uncc.edu to NinerNet@charlotte.edu on February 28 in accordance with the university’s branding initiative…

As previously communicated, Adobe has discontinued Creative Cloud Synced Files as of February 3, 2025.  If you are unsure whether…

OneIT Employee Spotlight: James Wilson

UNC Charlotte provides Dropbox accounts to all faculty and staff.

Effective Monday, February 3, 2025, the trip dates for Pre-Trip Expense Reports will not need to be changed to match…

Do you have audio or video files that need to be transcribed? UNC Charlotte provides three convenient, campus-wide solutions to…

Stay informed and minimize disruption to your work by taking advantage of these resources: As always, you can always reach…

Thank you to all the UNC Charlotte faculty, staff, and students who took the AI Survey in November. The following…

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