
Cyber Security, Physical & Virtual Infrastructure

126 Billion

Annual Blocked Malicious Attacks

Blocked Malicious Attacks

This metric shows how investments in state-of-the-art security systems can prevent cyber security attacks (A1 goal).

Provided by the OneIT Security Office, number from July ’23 – June ’24. includes blocked emails (1B), urls (1B) and malicious attacks (125B)

Cyber Security, Physical & Virtual Infrastructure


Wireless Access Points

Wireless Access Points

This metric shows the investment in wireless infrastructure (A3 goal).

Provided by the OneIT Networking Office, number as of June 30, 2024; includes Dubois Center

Teaching, Learning, & Student Success


Ticket Resolution Satisfaction Rate

Ticket Resolution Satisfaction Rate

This metric shows how satisfied our students, faculty and staff are with our responsiveness and problem-solving.

Rating based on a 3-point scale from 1697 surveys submitted by customers from Jan ’24 – Aug ’24. *

*A new ticketing tool was brought online in January ’24 so metrics from July ’23-Dec. ’23 are not available.

Teaching, Learning, & Student Success

23.26 Hours

Mean Time to Resolution

Mean Time to Resolution

This metric shows how fast we respond to student, faculty and staff requests.

Calculated from 46,705 tickets processed through the Service Desk ticketing system from July ’23 – June ’24. Number reflects overall responsiveness by all teams.

Teaching, Learning, & Student Success


Managed Devices

Managed Devices

This metric shows the number of endpoint computers in our endpoint management systems (B3 goal).

Provided by OneIT Client Solutions team and shows the numbers of computers in Windows, JAMF, Linux endpoint management systems. as well as the College of Engineering MOSAIC computers as of June 30, 2024

Teaching, Learning, & Student Success


Students Trained by OneIT

Students Trained by OneIT

This metric shows the number of students who have worked for OneIT. Students work at the Service Desk, in Networking, Desktop Support, Enterprise Applications, Security and on the Unit-specific teams (B5 goal). This number increased 10% over the previous year.

Provided by OneIT Business Services team. Shows all students who worked in all areas of OneIT July ’23 – June ’24.



Researchers using High Performance Computing (HPC)

Researchers Using HPC

This metric shows the number of unique researchers using HPC from July ’23 – June ’24. This number increased by 38% over the previous year.

Provided by OneIT HPC Team.



Active Data Security Plans

Active Data Security Plans

This metric shows the number of active data security plans supporting research in effect from July ’23 – June ’24. These plans are developed by the researchers in collaboration with OneIT staff and are designed to best secure data. This number increased by 53% over the previous year.

Provided by OneIT Security Office

Process, Prioritization, & Planning


Completed Projects

Completed Projects

This metric shows projects completed July ’23 – June ’24. This number increased by 69% over the previous year.

Provided by OneIT Planning and Project Management Office

Process, Prioritization, & Planning


Active Projects

Active Projects

This metric shows active projects July ’23 – June ’24. This number increased by 87% over the previous year.

Provided by OneIT Planning and Project Management Office



Virtual Trainings

Virtual Trainings

This metric shows the number of virtual trainings offered to students, faculty & staff from July ’23 – June ’24.

This data was provided by the OneIT Client Engagement Training team.