AI Helpful Tips: AI Bots & Virtual Meetings

UNC Charlotte is committed to fostering a productive and inclusive learning environment in our digital spaces. Since we rely on Zoom for classes, meetings, and events, it’s essential to remember the university’s guidelines and best practices regarding the use of unattended AI bots in these settings. Don’t use them!
AI Bots in Zoom
While AI can be super cool and helpful, using AI bots (like Read or Otter AI) in Zoom meetings can be disruptive. Think of it like eavesdropping. Would you want a stranger recording your meetings when you don’t know how the information is going to be used? Will the conversation proceed with the same level of candor? Will the generated notes accurately reflect the conversation? What personal data might be leaked?
Here’s the Deal:
- Host’s Rule: Meeting hosts are the bosses of their Zoom meetings. They have the right to remove AI bots from any virtual meeting.
- Zoom’s AI Companion: Even Zoom has its own AI Companion! But guess what? The host still gets to decide if it’s enabled for the meeting.
- Be careful reading transcripts generated by, you may be required to sign up for a free account
- Please see this FAQ if you want to remove
Need Assistance? For more information, visit OneIT’s AI page or contact the OneIT Service Desk with any questions or concerns. We’re here to support you in integrating AI tools into your work effectively and securely.