OneIT Employee Spotlight – October 24

Marissa Ritter

Job Title
Banner Application Developer
In one sentence – what does your job entail?
I work with my Banner team and data owners to maintain integrity of the Banner database and pull accurate data for reporting and integration with other systems.
What’s the best advice you can give to someone who just started their career?
In the words of Ted Lasso, ‘Be curious.’ Sometimes we don’t ask because we don’t want to appear inept. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. No one can possibly know everything and the fastest way to learn is to ask people who know.
What inspired you to pursue the career you have today?
My high school advanced math teacher pushed an AV cart into the classroom with an IBM PC on it. I had never seen a computer before. He showed us how to write a Basic program that scrolled our name across the screen. When mine worked and I saw ‘Marissa’ scrolling, I was hooked.
What is something that might surprise us about you?
I traveled to South Africa about 8 years ago and stayed for 2 weeks at a children’s village. These children were orphaned because their parents were victims of AIDS. There were 36 children there and my friends and family helped me make small quilts for each of them. I took suitcases packed full of quilts on the plane. One of the best experiences of my life. Those kids were so happy and full of hope. I would go back in a heartbeat.
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
My two grown children. They are the best I’ll ever give this world. My daughter is a Financial Systems Analyst and my son is a Wildlife Biologist. Both are smart, successful, kind, funny, delightful humans and I’m very thankful I got to raise them.
What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
My favorite indoor activity is binging tv while working a jigsaw puzzle, crocheting or quilting. My favorite outdoor activity is sitting with a good Vanilla Rooibos Latte (which I make myself) and people/bird watching.
When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
Unfortunately, I grab my phone and go to Instagram but I’m trying to be more mindful and productive. I’ve been grabbing some yarn and a crochet hook and making granny squares, dish cloth or something small.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I would love to learn how to make stained glass. Glasswork is one of my favorite things. I have several pieces with roses and something about light coming through colored glass is mesmerizing to me.
Are you Team Apple or Team Android?