Zoom Phone Update: March 2024

On *Wednesday, March 13, 2024 (note this is a date change) majority of fax lines as well as additional user lines, generic department lines, elevator and emergency phones will be migrated to Zoom Phone. This will be the last “big” migration.
Fax Lines
Departments should plan on verifying fax functionality starting Thursday, March 14. Fax line extensions will not change. Users will no longer need to dial 9 or 1 when faxing documents off campus.
Additional training dates have been added in March, please visit the project site to learn more about how to register if your phone is scheduled to get migrated on March 13.
Physical Desk Phones
Please continue to return your physical desk phones to these locations if you no longer require them. Note: For the locations receiving the physical desk phones, please submit a ticket to OneIT when you want to schedule a pickup.
If you have any additional questions, visit zoomphone.charlotte.edu or contact the OneIT Service Desk.
* This date was changed as of 02/29/24 due to vendor problems. The original date was 03/4/24.