Welcome back, faculty!

Welcome to the Fall 2023 Semester! It has been a busy summer with many new updates. To ensure a smooth start to the semester here are some reminders:
- Visit the Get Started Faculty Page for our new OneIT Orientation, free software, and much more!
- The Learning Space Technology Team (previously known as AISLE) has migrated all podium NinerNet PC’s to Windows 11 and Microsoft 365. We encourage all faculty to login to the podiums before class and familiarize yourselves with the software updates. Please contact Classroom Support with any questions or concerns.
- If you haven’t already done so, you can now send and receive emails using your new @charlotte.edu email address. Visit this FAQ page to learn all about it.
- Eduroam was updated over the summer, you may need to forget the network, accept the new certificate and log back in, see this notice.
- NEW FACULTY: Before you use Zoom in Canvas, set up your Zoom account by following the instructions in this FAQ.
- Canvas Studio is replacing Kaltura; see this page for more details.
- Zoom client was also updated over the summer. You may need to log back into the app and add a profile and background picture.
Please reach out to the Office of OneIT if you need help or have any other IT questions; Have a great semester!