
Update on Google Phishing Scheme + 5 Ways to Protect Yourself

Categories: News

On May 3, a worldwide phishing incident happened where people were invited to click a “shared” Google Drive document. Once people clicked the link, they were then asked to allow access to their account so they could access the Google Doc. It was a “bait & switch,” so to speak. Upon discovering the problem, ITS […]

All Students: Verify Information in Banner

Categories: News

Is your cell phone number or personal (non-uncc) email address correct in Banner? Please take a quick moment to verify at least one is. This way you can easily reset your password if you forget it and access certain personal information in Banner. To verify one or both are listed in Banner: 1. Go to […]

Dropbox for Education Access Now Available

Categories: News, OneIT

Faculty and staff access to Dropbox for Education has arrived, earlier than the expected Feb. 15 date! Noted in last week’s campus announcement, Dropbox offers you free, secure, unlimited file storage with access anywhere, anytime. Set Up Instructions To set up your Dropbox for Education account, go to, click Sign Up and follow the […]

Dropbox for Education for Faculty and Staff

Categories: News, OneIT

Starting February 15, all faculty and staff will have access to Dropbox for Education.The University recently purchased this service which provides free, secure, unlimited file storage. Additionally, its cloud-based nature will allow file access anywhere, anytime–you can open a saved spreadsheet while meeting in the conference room or access your presentation when out of town. […]